Please read the below waiver and fill out the agreement. This is the updated ESLC COVID-19 policy as of 11/6/2020.

ESLC COVID-19 Policies & Procedures.

Please read and fill out the below form.

If an individual on a team (player, coach, assistant coach, manager) tests positive for COVID-19, it must be reported to the team’s coach and ESLC Executive Director the designated COVID-19 officer ( as soon as possible.

The positive test result must also be reported to the local/state health department so contact tracing can begin. Below are some important points of information that must be gathered when the positive test result is reported to the club:

• What date did the individual’s symptom(s) first appear?

• What date was the COVID-19 test taken?

• What date was the positive test result received?

• What date was the individual last with the team? Practice, scrimmage, game, tournament, team meeting, etc…

The individual is to self-isolate and is not allowed to attend or participate in any club activities (practice,scrimmage, game, tournament, team meeting, etc…) until the following criteria has been met:


●       10 days have passed since the individual became symptomatic, and

●       The individual has been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication, and

●       Other symptoms are improving and no new symptoms appearing*

*Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation.


●       The individual can provide proof of a negative test result.

The team will be informed of the situation, without mentioning the individual’s name or sharing any other personal information. All other individuals on the team should be monitored closely for 14 days and get tested if any COVID-19 related symptoms appear during that time. Of course, other individuals on the team can get tested without any symptoms appearing and/or for peace of mind.

Team activities may continue as scheduled, other individuals do not need to be tested before attending subsequent practice and games, provided no COVID-19 related symptoms appear.

For a period of 48 hours, before the individual became symptomatic, to the date, the individual informed the club of their positive test result, any team that practiced or played with, scrimmaged, or played against the individual also must be

informed of the positive test result.

If an individual on the team (player, coach, assistant coach, manager) comes into close contact or is exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, (the terms “close contact” and “exposed” have been updated to being less than 6 feet apart for a cumulative time of 15 minutes or more, even if wearing PPE) they are to self-isolate and are not allowed to attend or participate in any club activities (practice, scrimmage, game, tournament, team meeting, etc…) until the following criteria has been met:


• 14 days of self-isolation have passed, and

• No COVID-19 related symptoms have appeared.


• The individual can provide proof of a negative test result, a minimum of 2 days after being exposed.

Local Health Department guidelines and protocols may supersede any pieces of this document.