Eastern Shore Lacrosse Club Code of Conduct:
Individual Player Behavior
Athletes are always expected to conduct themselves in an exemplary fashion. Inappropriate, abusive, profane or violent behavior or language by an ESLC athlete at any ESLC function, or at any function in which an ESLC team is participating, may result in suspension or expulsion from the ESLC. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of any intoxicating or illegal substances by an ESLC athlete at any ESLC function or any function in which an ESLC team is participating is prohibited and may result in suspension or expulsion from the ESLC. Suspension or expulsion shall be decided by the Executive Director and the Director of Coaching after consultation with the team’s coaches.
Behavior of Others Associated With A Club Player
Inappropriate, abusive, profane, or violent behavior or language by the parents, guardians, guests, or siblings of any club player at any Club function or at any function in which the Club is participating may result in the player's suspension or expulsion from the Club. Suspensions or expulsions will be decided by the
Executive Director and the Director of Coaching. A parent or guardian's suspension or dismissal will result in the suspension or dismissal of the player as well.
Club Policy/Procedure for Handling Parent Concerns and/or Complaints
Do not confront a coach ever, with a concern or complaint immediately following a game or practice.
We request you to refrain from communicating any of your concerns to a coach for at least 24 hours.
That said if you have a problem or issue relative to your daughter's participation on an Eastern Shore Lacrosse Club team, we do want you to talk to your coach first.
If after 24 hours you still feel compelled to discuss an issue with your daughter's coach, please make this conversation private. Do not initiate this conversation either on the field at practice or at a game.
Please understand that abusive, confrontational and/or anonymous contacts with our coaches will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
If this does occur, it may subject the individual involved, their daughter and their family to disciplinary action, including suspension from or expulsion from the Eastern Shore Lacrosse Club.
If after discussion with your daughter's coach you do not get sufficient resolution to your problem, please then contact the Director of Coaching or the Executive Director.
I have read and understand the ESLC’s Code of Conduct and the possible consequences of noncompliance with this policy.
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Player Acknowledgment Date ______________________________________ __________________________ Parent Acknowledgment Date